About us

I am Balázs Till, the managing owner of Aquacut Kft. Thank you for viewing our introductory material!


We want to develop into a company committed to excellence and innovation, where we can work together in a familiar environment with honest and open communication for the well-being of ourselves and our employees. With our social involvement, we want to create value in the Bóly sub-region, so that the generation growing up here can live in a more diverse, bubbly and green environment.

AquaCut Kft. started operating in 2003. We are constantly developing our company in order to provide a high level and comprehensive service to the needs of our customers. Our quality assurance systems (ISO 9001; ISO 14001; ISO 45001; ISO 3834-2; ISO 1090-2 EXC-3), our precision and the expertise of our colleagues guarantee the impeccable quality of the structures, devices and parts we manufacture.

Our company is a 100% Hungarian-owned family business that employs 20 people at two locations.

Az AquaCut Kft. 2003-ban kezdte meg működését. Cégünket megrendelői igények magasfokú és széleskörű kiszolgálása érdekében folyamatosan fejlesztjük.

Minőségbiztosítási rendszereink (ISO 9001; ISO 14001; ISO 45001; ISO 3834-2; ISO 1090-2 EXC-3), precizitásunk és kollégáink szakértelme garantálja az általunk gyártott szerkezetek, készülékek és alkatrészek kifogástalan minőségét.

Our company is a 100% Hungarian-owned family business that employs 20 people at two locations.
